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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dating in the Tech Age??

It used to be simple. Boy meets girl, boy woos girl, boy and girl fall in love and everyone lives happily ever after. Well, not really. The game of love has always been complicated. Should i wait for him to call? Will he think I'm easy if i ever to make the 1st move? Tons of girl talk and many failed relationships, we had finally negotiated the invisible but very resonant boundaries of dating. In this age of instantaneous communication, is true love really a click of a mouse away? The newest and questionably improved version of the dating game comes with its own set of rules.
Researched says that 60% of singles under 34 have used the internet to meet people. It makes the whole process of getting to know someone a lot easier and when you do agree to meet, it takes away the awkwardness of having a first date, cos you feel like you know the person already. Plus, you're armed with a whole list of conversation topics because you would have already found out what common interests you have. It seems, for better or for worse, Googling your date has become common practice. Well, it seems like contemporary dating is an elaborate dance between two people who already know a lot of what their date is talking about but cant admit it. You nod your head with curiosity, but you already know what they're going to say.
It can be daunting for a girl to put herself out there and be judged. Does he think I'm fat? Does my dress make me look like a skank? With the internet, the power to be concealed overlaps with anonymity, giving people the freedom to judge and be judged without fear of repercussions. Getting to know someone without having to look into the other's face is a lot easier. While sizing someone up based on profiles and emoticons can help make the first date less awkward, the wealth of personal information about a person available online is not definitive of his or her character. I think people should take the information they find online with a grain of salt. While there's nothing wrong doing some online homework, the focus should remain on face-to-face interaction to make the final judgement. At the end of the day, no amount of online research is going to tell you if his breath stinks or if he snores like a pig and eats like a slob. Just my two cents! ;)

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